California Competes Policy Priorities


Reimagining Higher Education to Serve All Californians

Californians with postsecondary degrees have consistently fared better than those without college credentials, and that was especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, because of their sustained employment, college-educated Californians have helped buoy the state’s economy.

An inclusive economic recovery and future resiliency depend on strengthening the education-to-employment pipeline in several important ways. We urge state and institutional leaders to focus on these interconnected goals:

  • Align higher education and workforce by engaging employers, leveraging regional approaches, and focusing on producing career-ready students;
  • Enable postsecondary access and success for adults through flexible pathways, versatile teaching and learning methods, and increased affordability;
  • Expand quality online education opportunities with effective pedagogy, improved cost structures, and broadband access for all;
  • Fuel improved coordination and cohesiveness across all stakeholders in the higher education ecosystem, including through the Cradle-to-Career Data System to promote evidence-based policymaking.

Read more about these priorities: Reimagining Higher Education to Serve All Californians.

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