New Brief: Measuring Student Progress in Competency-Based Education Programs


How to Evaluate Student Progress in Competency-Based Education Programs? New Brief Offers Guidance

Today, California Competes released its new brief, Measuring Student Progress in Competency-Based Education Programs, providing guidance on metrics and practices for the many institutions across the state adding competency-based education (CBE) to their instructional portfolio.

Shifting the focus from course completion to student mastery of knowledge and skills, CBE offers working adults a flexible, equity- and student-centric pathway to degree attainment and economic mobility. Given the approach to how students advance through CBE programs, colleges and universities implementing CBE have to rethink how they assess their programs and measure student progress.

Especially since the California Community Colleges CBE Collaborative—made up of eight community colleges working to develop and pilot new CBE programs at their institutions and share lessons learned—began its work this year, this timely publication aims to support and fuel CBE implementation across the state.

Thoughtful adoption of CBE across higher education could benefit the 6.8 million Californians aged 25–54 without a college degree, broadening the pathway to educational attainment and strengthening the talent pipeline t0 nimbly adapt to changing economic demand.

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