2022-23 State Budget Recognizes Higher Education’s Role in Workforce Development


The recently adopted $308 billion state budget includes significant investments in higher education equity and workforce development efforts, including many of the issue areas that California Competes prioritizes. The higher education compacts and framework for financial aid reform lay the groundwork to address access, affordability, and declining enrollments. New or expanded programs were funded to foster better alignment between higher education and the workforce, provide flexible onramps to postsecondary programs as well as invest in programs that meet the needs of adult learners, including student parents and justice-involved individuals.

In the latest blog, California Competes highlights the budget provisions that align with its policy priorities:

  1. Higher Education and Workforce Alignment
  2. College Access and Success for Adults
  3. Quality and Effective Online Education
  4. Comprehensive Education and Workforce Data
  5. Coordinated Policy Setting

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