Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Introducing The California Alliance for Student Parent Success

April 10, 2024 
 – 01:30 PM 
– 02:30 PM

California’s 300,000 undergraduate student parents face a multitude of challenges in completing their degrees, including juggling academic responsibilities alongside parenting duties and financial constraints. Addressing the needs of this student population is crucial for closing racial equity gaps in higher education and fostering a skilled workforce essential for a robust state economy. Guided by an equity-centered policy agenda that outlines strategies to address these barriers, The California Alliance for Student Parent Success (The Alliance), led by California Competes and EdTrust-West, aims to support the postsecondary success and comprehensive well-being of student parents and their families statewide.

Join us for a webinar on April 10, as we delve into the mission, policy agenda, and people behind The Alliance. Learn how to support our first co-sponsored bill (AB 2458-Berman) aimed at helping to ensure higher education is affordable for student parents and that their needs are better understood. Discover how you can be a part of the movement to foster an inclusive, equitable system of learning for today’s students.

Related Research & Resources

California Competes and EdTrust-West joined forces to launch The California Alliance for Student Parent Success and unveiled its new website,, a single stop for all its endeavors to support student parent success in California. This site serves as an information hub for resources, advocacy efforts, and engagement opportunities, all aimed at fostering systemic change and empowering student parents along their educational journey. 
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