Shaping the Future of Online Education in California


Today, students, especially those with limited access to higher education, have expressed a strong demand for online courses. The stats are clear: 3.9 million Californians plan to enroll in college in the next two years and want their courses online. Education leaders and policymakers support the expansion of online education, but opposition to this mode of learning stifles progress.

This webinar discusses reasons behind this opposition and how California can leverage online education for greater college access and improved outcomes, especially for underserved communities. We unveiled a roadmap highlighting the current state of online education and the potential pathways towards achieving a more equitable and agile system of learning, and a panel of leaders shared insights on how we can collectively drive innovation in higher education that centers equity, quality, and student success.

  • Maria Anguiano, Executive Vice President of the Learning Enterprise at Arizona State University and UC Regent
  • Ajita Menon, President and CEO of Calbright College
  • Leroy Morishita, Interim President, Cal State LA
  • Katherine Newman, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs at University of California
  • Eloy Ortiz Oakley, President and CEO of College Futures Foundation (Moderator)
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